1) Enrollment as of last day of reporting period
2) Only schools and programs in Districts 1-32 and District 75
3) NYCEECs and District PreK Centers are excluded
4) District 75 Home and Hospital Instruction programs and students are excluded
5) For consent and consent withdrawal, only Covid-19 testing eligible students are included (Grades 1-12)
6) For unvaccinated population, only students aged 5 or above as of the day before the beginning of the reporting period are included
"7) Under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), educational agencies and institutions
reporting or releasing data derived from education records are responsible for protecting personally
identifiable information (PII) in their reports from disclosure.
a) If a cell is ≤ 5 the value is suppressed (""S""), and the next highest value in that row is also suppressed (""S"").
b) If a cell is within 5 of the total number of students for the subgroup, the value is suppressed (""T""), and the next highest value in that row is also suppressed (""T""). This is necessary, because it is a FERPA violation to disclose that no students in a subgroup were vaccinated. This report includes counts of unvaccinated students, therefore data suppression is necessary on the maximum values also."
8) An empty cell indicates that there are no students for that grade or subgroup