This data set includes 2014-15 Executive Budget appropriation, reappropriations and workforce levels for the current State fiscal year and upcoming budget year.
This data set includes appropriation, reappropriations and workforce levels for the current State fiscal year and upcoming budget year as they relate to the 2015-16 Enacted Budget.
This data set includes 2013-14 Executive Budget appropriations, reappropriations and workforce levels for the current State fiscal year and upcoming budget year.
This data set includes appropriation, reappropriations and workforce levels for the current State fiscal year and upcoming budget year, as they relate to the 2016-17 Enacted Budget.
This data set includes appropriation, reappropriations and workforce levels for the current State fiscal year and upcoming budget year as they relate to the 2015-16 Executive Budget with Executive Amendments.
This data set includes appropriation, reappropriations and workforce levels for the prior and current fiscal year as they relate to the 2014-15 Enacted Budget.