Annual tons of food scraps dropped off at Green Markets and nonprofit partners. Also includes deliveries of organics such as leaf and wood wastes to nonprofit partners. In FY 2021, DSNY suspended its collection of food scraps from Green Markets due to COVID and COVID-related budget cuts. In FY 2021, nonprofit partners started to haul their own organic material.
Locations where NYC residents can drop off their leaves to be composted. These are seasonal and temporary drop-off options; residents should not drop off leaves at these locations outside of the specific dates listed.
The number of NYC households, residential buildings, and new schools receiving curbside organics collection, by Fiscal Year that collection began. As of October 2024, curbside composting service is available to all NYC residents. For more information, visit: Note that Curbside Composting service was suspended from May 4, 2020 until October 1, 2021.