Access points for saltwater fishing sites in NYC, that are shown on the Waterfront Access Map (WAM). Please see the NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation (DEC) website for current regulations and fishing tips.
Waterfront Public Access Area (WPAA) Footprints are the portion of privately owned waterfront zoning lots where publicly accessible open space is provided to and along the shoreline for public enjoyment, as shown on the Waterfront Access Map (WAM).
Waterfront Public Access Area (WPAA) Access Points are the entrances to the privately owned waterfront zoning lots where publicly accessible open space is provided to and along the shoreline for public enjoyment, as shown on the Waterfront Access Map (WAM).
City, State, and Federally owned public parks and facilities that provide waterfront parkland and open space for public enjoyment, as shown on the Waterfront Access Map (WAM).
GIS data: A waterfront access plan (WAP) is a specific plan, set forth in the Zoning Resolution that tailors waterfront bulk regulations and public access requirements to the specific conditions of a particular waterfront area.
This dataset provides key performance indicators for several agencies disaggregated by community district, police precinct, borough or school district. Each line of data indicates the relevant agency, the indicator, the type of geographic subunit and number, and full fiscal year data points. This data is submitted by the relevant agency to the Mayor’s Office of Operations on an annual basis and is available on Operations’ website.