What’s in this dataset?
This dataset includes identifying information for entities registered with the New York State Tax Department as cigarette agents or wholesale dealers, or tobacco distributors or wholesaler dealers.
What can this data tell me?
Use this data to determine whether an entity you are selling to, distributing to, or buying from is properly registered.
How can I view or search this data?
We recommend the following:
1. Select the “View data” button in the upper right of the screen.
2. Use the search box in the upper right to search for a specific keymatch. The search box will find matches across all columns. For example, if you search for Albany, any retailers with Albany in the business name, as well as any retailers located in the city of Albany, will display.
3. To narrow your results, use the filter directly beneath the dataset:
a) From the drop-down, select a column to filter by.
b) Select the drop-down next to “is one of” to choose the value or condition you want to search for. For example, choose “contains” to search for a specific value.
c) Enter your search criteria in the blank box. Note: This search box is case sensitive; use all caps.
d) To find matches across more than one column, select “+AND” and repeat steps a) and b).
For example, to find all businesses in Albany whose names contain “TOBACCO,” first filter by city, then by business name.
e) When finished, select “Apply.”
To view an unfiltered list of all data, select “Clear all.”
To save your filter for this particular dataset, select “Save as” in the upper left.