- Calificación de la comunidad
Current value: 0 out of 5
- Su calificación
Current value: 0 out of 5
- Calificadores
- 0
- Visitas
- 5320
- Descargas
- 224
- Comentarios
- 0
- Colaboradores
- 0
- Categoría
- Energy & Environment
- Autorizaciones
- Público
- Etiquetas
- recycle; recycling; 3r’s; solid waste management program; rpm&f; real property management and facilities; waste stream reduction
- Únicamente en SODA2
- Sí
- Datos suministrados por
- NYS Office of General Services
- Enlace de la fuente
- https://ogs.ny.gov/real-estate/recycling-ogs-managed-state-office-buildings
- Agency
- General Services, Office of
- Organization
- Real Property Management & Facilities
- Time Period
- Beginning fiscal year 2008-2009
- Posting Frequency
- Annual
- Dataset Owner
- NYS Office of General Services
- Coverage
- 48 facilities operated by OGS
- Granularity
- Commodity type, fiscal year, and Region
- Limitations
- Upon disposal of recyclable commodities and waste materials, a minor amount of the data entered into Asset Works system is based on weight estimates and not weight slips. Some recycling and waste removal vendors in OGS Regional Facilities do not have scales to weigh the materials leaving the facility. The estimate is based on the average weight of the material being recycled/ disposed of by cubic yard. Average weights of the material being recycled are assigned by the OGS Solid Waste Management Program.