- Calificación de la comunidad
Current value: 0 out of 5
- Su calificación
Current value: 0 out of 5
- Calificadores
- 0
- Visitas
- 4686
- Descargas
- 184
- Comentarios
- 0
- Colaboradores
- 0
- Categoría
- Government & Finance
- Autorizaciones
- Público
- Etiquetas
- new york lottery, education, aid, school districts
- Únicamente en SODA2
- Sí
- Datos suministrados por
- New York Gaming Commission
- Enlace de la fuente
- http://nylottery.ny.gov/wps/portal/Home/Lottery/About+Us/Mission+for+Education/Mission+for+Education
- Agency
- Gaming Commission, New York State
- Organization
- New York Lottery
- Time Period
- Beginning 2002
- Posting Frequency
- Annually
- Dataset Owner
- New York Gaming Commission
- Contact Information
- info@gaming.ny.gov
- Coverage
- Statewide
- Granularity
- By fiscal year, by county, by school district
- County Filter
- Yes
- County_Column
- county