- Calificación de la comunidad
Current value: 0 out of 5
- Su calificación
Current value: 0 out of 5
- Calificadores
- 0
- Visitas
- 4651
- Descargas
- 267
- Comentarios
- 0
- Colaboradores
- 0
- Categoría
- Recreation
- Autorizaciones
- Público
- Etiquetas
- recreation, parking, lean-to, primitive campsite, accessible
- Únicamente en SODA2
- Sí
- Datos suministrados por
- Department of Environmental Conservation
- Enlace de la fuente
- https://www.dec.ny.gov/lands/309.html
- Publisher
- State of New York
- Contact Name
- Open Data NY
- Contact Email
- opendata@its.ny.gov
- Agency
- Environmental Conservation, Department of
- Organization
- Division of Lands and Forests
- Time Period
- Beginning 2009
- Posting Frequency
- As needed
- Contact Information
- landsforests@dec.ny.gov
- Coverage
- Statewide
- Granularity
- Category of assets
- Limitations
- Data are approximate. Certain points of interest which may exist on the ground may not currently be displayed. This data set is a work in progress and will continually be improved. Although every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information, errors may be reflected in the data supplied.