2010/11 Progress Report results for all schools (As of 9/23/2011)
Peer indexes are calculated differently depending on School Level. Schools are only compared to other schools in the same School Level (e.g., Elementary, K-8, Middle, High, Transfer)
1) Elementary, K-8, Early Childhood - peer index is a value from 0-100. A composite demographic statistic based on % ELL, % Students with Disabilities, % Title I free lunch, and % Black/Hispanic is used. Higher values indicate student populations with higher need.
2) Middle - peer index is a value from 1.00-4.50. For middle schools, the average 4th grade proficiency ratings in ELA and Math and the % Students with Disabilities is used. Lower values indicate student populations with higher need.
3) High School - peer index is a value from 1.00-4.50. For high schools, the average 8th grade proficiency, the % Students with Disabilities, the % Self-contained, and the % overage is used. Lower values indicate student populations with higher need.