In 2016 NYC Parks contracted with the UVM Spatial Analysis Lab to use modern remote sensing and object-based image analysis to create a new wetlands map for New York City. Data inputs include Light Detection and Ranging Data, State and Federal Wetland Inventories, soils, and field data. Because the map was conservative in its wetlands predictions, NYC Parks staff improved the map through a series of desktop and field verification efforts. From June to November 2020, NYC Parks staff field verified the majority of wetlands on NYC Parks' property.
The map will be opportunistically updated depending on available field information and delineations. Another dedicated field verification effort has not been planned. As of June 2021, no subsequent updates to the data are scheduled.
Original field names were updated to field names that are easier to understand.
This dataset was developed to increase awareness regarding the location and extent of wetlands to promote restoration and conservation in New York City. This map does not supersede U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service National Wetlands Inventory (NWI) and New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) wetlands maps and has no jurisdictional authority. It should be used alongside NWI and NYSDEC datasets as a resource for identifying likely locations of wetlands in New York City. Mapped features vary in the confidence of their verification status, ranging from "Unverified" (meaning the feature exists in its original remotely mapped form and has not been ground truthed) to "Verified - Wetland Delineation" (meaning the boundaries and type of wetland have been verified during an official wetland delineation). Because of the rapid nature of the protocol and the scale of data collection, this product is not a subsitute for on-site investigations and field delineations. The dataset also includes broad classifications for each wetland type, e.g. estuarine, emergent wetland, forested wetland, shrub/scrub wetland, or water. Cowardin classifcations were not used given rapid verfication methods.
The accuracy of the wetlands map has improved over time as a result of the verification process. Fields were added over time as necessitated by the workflow and values were updated with information, either from the field verifications, delineation reports, or desktop analysis.
OBJECTID, Shape, Class_Name_Final, Verification_Status, Create_Date, Last_Edited_Date, Verification_Status_Year, SHAPE_Length, SHAPE_Area