The Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) is an annual statewide telephone surveillance system designed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). BRFSS monitors modifiable risk behaviors and other factors contributing to the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the population. New York State's BRFSS sample represents the adult population living in private residences or college housing who have either a landline or cellular telephone, aged 18 years and older. Adults living in group homes or congregate settings are excluded from the survey. Although the overall number of respondents in the BRFSS is more than sufficiently large for statistical inference purposes, subgroup analyses can lead to estimates that are unreliable. Interpreting and reporting weighted numbers that are based on a small, unweighted number of respondents can mislead the reader into believing that a given finding is much more precise than it actually is. The BRFSS follows a rule of not reporting or interpreting percentages based upon a denominator of fewer than 50 respondents (unweighted sample). Both a csv and sas data files are available.