The dataset contains annual count data for the number of intimate partner related domestic incident reports, intimate partner-related felony assaults, domestic violence related felony assaults, intimate partner-related rapes and domestic violence related rapes.
The Mayor's Office to Combat Domestic Violence (OCDV) formulates policies and programs, coordinates the citywide delivery of domestic violence services and works with diverse communities and community leaders to increase awareness of domestic violence. OCDV collaborates closely with government and nonprofit agencies that assist domestic violence survivors and operates the New York City Family Justice Centers. These co‐located multidisciplinary domestic violence service centers provide vital social service, civil legal and criminal justice assistance for survivors of intimate partner violence and their children under one roof. OCDV also has a Policy and Training Institute that provides trainings on intimate partner violence to other City agencies. The New York City Healthy Relationship Academy, with is part of the Policy and Training Institute, provides peer lead workshops on healthy relationships and teen dating violence to individuals between the age of 13 and 24, their parents and staff of agencies that work with youth in that age range. The dataset is collected to produce an annual report on the number of family-related and domestic violence related incidents that occur at the community board district level in New York City. The New York City Police Department provides OCDV with count data on: Intimate partner related domestic incident reports, intimate partner related felony assaults, domestic violence felony assaults, intimate partner related rapes and domestic violence related rapes.