Percentage of interviewed cryptosporidiosis case-patients by type of tap water exposure before disease onset, by Immune Status, New York City, 1995 - 2016
*Note: Determination of an association between exposure to possible risk factors for cryptosporidiosis and acquisition of cryptosporidiosis cannot be made without reference to a suitable control population (i.e., non-Cryptosporidium-infected controls).
Format of case interview form changed on 1/1/1997, 5/11/2001, 8/21/2002, and 4/26/2010.
From 1/1/1995 to 4/25/2010, case-patients were asked about Tap Water Exposure during the month before onset. Starting 04/26/2010, case-patients were asked about Tap Water Exposure during the 14 days before onset.
Year 2000 percentage of interviewed cryptosporidiosis cases does not include 14 cases associated with a point source exposure at a swimming pool in Florida.