The map shows the addresses of NYS school districts. Each school district is color coded according to the percentage of enrolled students current school year that were fully immunized. A flyout with specific information about a school district will appear when you hover over a point on the map. The School Immunization Survey collects aggregate data from schools in New York State regarding the immunization status of all the students attending school.
All schools, excluding New York City public schools, have reported the immunization status of all students in grades kindergarten through 12. When a school submits the survey data, it is a snap shot of the immunization status of the students at the time the survey is completed.
New York City public schools report the immunization status of all students via the Automate the Schools system (ATS). The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene provides the aggregate data by district to the New York State Department of Health. For more information, check out: