This dataset contains information about the New York City Housing Authority’s (NYCHA) Office of
Resident Economic Empowerment and Sustainability (REES). REES supports NYCHA public housing and Section 8 residents’ increased income and assets through programs, policies and formal partnerships in the areas of employment and advancement, adult education and training, financial literacy and asset building and resident business development. Each row in the dataset represents the number of public housing residents on a City Council District level who receive or utilize this service. Data on interagency collaborations such as Jobs-Plus and Business Pathways are not part of this data but are accounted for in NYC Business Solutions and Human Resources data respectively. As per HUD regulations REES serves NYCHA public housing, NYCHA Section 8 and Section 3 residents.
The dataset is part of the annual report compiled by the Mayor’s Office of Operations as mandated by the
Local Law 163 of 2016 on different services provided to NYCHA residents. See other datasets in this report by searching the keyword “Services available to NYCHA Residents - Local Law 163 (2016)” on the Open Data Portal.