Directory of providers for the Weatherization Assistance Program serving all 62 counties in the State of New York.
- 社区评分
Current value: 0 out of 5
- 您的评分
Current value: 0 out of 5
- 评分人
- 0
- 访问次数
- 3733
- 下载
- 290
- 注释
- 0
- 参与者
- 0
- 类别
- Economic Development
- 许可
- 公开
- 标签
- energy efficiency, energy audit, wap, weatherization, capital program
- 仅SODA2
- 是
- 数据提供方:
- NYS Homes & Community Renewal
- 源链接
- http://www.nyshcr.org/Programs/WeatherizationAssistance/
Dataset Information
- Agency
- Homes and Community Renewal
Dataset Summary
- Organization
- NYS Homes & Community Renewal
- Time Period
- Current
- Posting Frequency
- Annually
- Contact Information
- weatherization@nyshcr.org
- Coverage
- Statewide
- Granularity
- Individual providers
Local Data
- County Filter
- Yes
- County_Column
- county
- Municipality Filter
- Yes
- Municipality_Column
- city
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