This point map provides the locations of wildlife viewing sites as shown in The New York Wildlife Viewing Guide, also known as Watchable Wildlife Sites. By clicking on the blue points on the point map, users are provided the name and region of a wildlife viewing site and the option of viewing the details for that point from the associated dataset and/or opening a page in Google Maps for that location. Users may also use the next buttons, which appear at the bottom of the page after selecting 'details,' to find and view other wildlife viewing sites.
- 社区评分
Current value: 0 out of 5
- 您的评分
Current value: 0 out of 5
- 评分人
- 0
- 访问次数
- 4788
- 下载
- 211
- 注释
- 0
- 参与者
- 0
- 类别
- Recreation
- 许可
- 公开
- 标签
- wildlife, watchable, viewing, outdoors
- 仅SODA2
- 是
- 数据提供方:
- New York State Department of Environmental Conservation
- 源链接
- http://www.dec.ny.gov/outdoor/55423.html
Common Core
- Publisher
- State of New York
- Contact Name
- Open Data NY
- Contact Email
- opendata@its.ny.gov
Dataset Information
- Agency
- Environmental Conservation, Department of
Dataset Summary
- Organization
- Division of Fish, Wildlife, and Marine Resources
- Time Period
- 1998
- Posting Frequency
- As Needed
- Dataset Owner
- Habitat Inventory Unit
- Contact Information
- fwinfo@gw.dec.state.ny.us
- Coverage
- Statewide
- Granularity
- Site
- Units
- Location
This view cannot be displayed