Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) is an estimate of the average daily traffic along a defined segment of roadway. This value is calculated from short term counts taken along the same section which are then factored to produce the estimate of AADT. Because of this process, the most recent AADT for any given roadway will always be for the previous year. Data is available for all New York State Routes and roads that are part of the Federal Aid System.
- 社区评分
Current value: 0 out of 5
- 您的评分
Current value: 0 out of 5
- 评分人
- 0
- 访问次数
- 91422
- 下载
- 8948
- 注释
- 0
- 参与者
- 0
- 类别
- Transportation
- 许可
- 公开
- 标签
- aadt, adt, annual average daily traffic, traffic volume
- 行标签
- Row
- 仅SODA2
- 是
- 数据提供方:
- New York State Department of Transportation
- 源链接
- https://www.dot.ny.gov/highway-data-services
Dataset Information
- Agency
- Transportation, Department of
Dataset Summary
- Organization
- Highway Data Services Bureau
- Time Period
- Beginning 1977
- Posting Frequency
- Annually
- Dataset Owner
- Highway Data Services Bureau
- Contact Information
- michael.rossi@dot.ny.gov, andrew.haynes@dot.ny.gov
- Coverage
- Statewide
- Granularity
- Station ID
- Units
- Vehicles
- Limitations
- AADT is a statistical estimate; as such, actual daily volumes encountered on a particular day may vary from the AADT reported. Considerably higher or lower values often result in areas of seasonal activities and when comparing weekend versus weekday traffic.
Local Data
- County Filter
- Yes
- County_Column
- county
- Municipality Filter
- Yes
- Municipality_Column
- municipality
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