Average class sizes for each school, by grade and program type (General Education, Self-Contained Special Education, Collaborative Team Teaching (CTT)) for grades K-9 (where grade 9 is not reported by subject area).
New York City public schools closed for poor performance. This report provides data regarding students enrolled in these schools during the school year, according to the guidelines set by Local Law 043
Report on Demographic Data in New York City Public Schools In Response to Local Law No. 59 2016
Notes "Enrollment counts are based on the October 31st Audited Register for 2015."
This report includes results for the New York State Math exams for the years 2013-2023.
For the results for the New York State Math exams for the years 2006-2012, please follow this link.
New York City public schools closed for poor performance. This report provides data regarding students enrolled in these schools during the school year, according to the guidelines set by Local Law 043