The dataset reflects funded applications for capital funding allocated by the New York City Council.
Each year, Members of the Council allocate funds to not-for-profit organizations for capital projects that will continue to serve a City purpose (i.e. "limited to the purposes set forth in the New York City Charter" according to Directive 10 from the Office of the Comptroller) for the project's entire useful life. These projects can involve property (acquisition, construction or reconstruction), or moveable property (equipment, furniture, or vehicles).
Recipients of capital funding must:
• hold not for profit status;
• must already hold contracts with the city, with different contract requirements depending on funding type;
• use the grant for stated capital investments at the location of the application.
Organizations must submit their Request Forms online via CapGrants.
Recipients of capital funding must:
• hold not for profit status;
• must already hold contracts with the city, with different contract requirements depending on funding type;
• use the grant for stated capital investments at the location of the application.
Organizations must submit their Request Forms online via CapGrants.