Bodegas & Grocery Stores Receiving Recognition from Borough President's Office
Each year, bodegas and grocery stores located in and around Action Center catchment areas participate in the Shop Healthy NYC program's Retail Challenge to increase (1) availability of healthier foods, such as low-sodium canned goods, healthier snacks and deli options; (2) promotion of healthier foods by posting Shop Healthy marketing materials for healthier foods and removing unhealthy advertising from the front door; and (3) visibility of healthier foods by placing them in more prominent locations, such as placing produce at the checkout counter or near the front entrance of the store, and water and other low-calorie drinks at eye-level. Stores that have implemented all of the program’s criteria at the conclusion of the Retail Challenge, and maintain them for at least one month, receive a recognition award from the Borough President's Office to acknowledge their efforts and dedication to make the healthy choice, the easier choice for their communities.
This is a manually compiled list of stores, which is based on data collected through implementation checklists; these are forms completed by Shop Healthy staff as part of store observations that track whether each criteria has been met. At this time, the program does not have processes in place to ensure that stores maintain the changes past one-month.